The general argument made by Nicholas Carr in his work, “From The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains,” is that technology is dangerous to the brain, conditioning the body that they need more technology, and less of anything else. More Specifically, Carr states that, “I used to find it easy to immerse myself in a book or a lengthy article...Now my consideration starts to drift after a page or two” (Carr par. 2). In this passage, Carr is suggesting that the effects of technology and the internet have imposed on him that he needs the internet to function at a proper level. He thinks that this is going to be a problem in the future of society. He is suggesting that we will be unable to communicate
as efficiently if we do not have the internet with us. Carr believes that this will not be acceptable for the next generation of people. In Conclusion, he believes that the internet is detrimental to the health and growth of people around the world.
Additionally, In my opinion, I totally agree with Mr. Carr. I believe he is right because, as he says, “Maybe I’m an aberration, an outlier. But it doesn’t seem that way. When I mention my troubles with reading to friends, many say they’re suffering from similar afflictions”(Carr par. 6). More specifically, I believe that the internet can convince us that, if we have technology to rely on, then we can be protected by it, and communicate through it. Although multiple online groups will tell you that it can help you to learn to type, and communicate through the internet, I still believe that the cons outweigh the pros. Therefore I conclude that the internet can not be beneficial to the growth of the next generation, and must therefore be detrimental to everyone who uses it.