You see… She happens to be an amazing role model in today’s messed up society. Mr. Hawkins, I think Carrie Underwood should come here to speak to us, the student body. Carrie Underwood is really polite, vigorous, and beneficial.
One reason I selected Carrie Underwood would have to be about her politeness towards her fans and haters. Some pop singers have a really bad lack of respect for their fans like Justin Bieber, but
Carrie Underwood has a great responsibility with her fans. She believes kindness wins. For example, she takes us into consideration because she knows what we have been through. In fact, she has dealt with adults abusing each other and schoolhouse bullies too. She can relate to us a
lot because 77%of every school has been bullied at least once in their life. Therefore, she should be polite and care since she was bullied too. A better possible reason Carrie Underwood should come to Tecumseh Junior High is because she is beneficial. For example, she does some fundraisers for some diseases and hospitalized people. She could also influence the school to find a cure for leukemia, cancer, etc. In fact, Carrie Underwood also gives some concert tickets to her mentally challenged and #1 fans! This shows that Carrie Underwood is really courteous and beneficial. Carrie Underwood is a fundamental human being.
Most importantly, Carrie Underwood is vigorous and self disciplined. For example, as a kid if she got a bad grade, she would ground herself until it got better. To specify, she studied and studied until she amended it. This is essential because Tecumseh could follow in her footsteps and get better grades. For instance, she is a strong leader and a strong singer, so she could show us how to be strong and stand up against bullies. Think of small people, they get picked on a lot so she could specifically talk to them and show them how to defend themselves. ( In the nicest way, of course. ) That’s the final reason I think Carrie Underwood should come to Tecumseh Junior High and talk to us students.
Carrie Underwood does some seriously radical things with her
Career. She is polite, beneficial, and vigorous with some self
Discipline. Remember Mr. Hawkins, Carrie Underwood is one of the best role models in self history!!