
Summary Of Baby Hope's Birth Mom Has A Name

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Summary Of Baby Hope's Birth Mom Has A Name
In the New York Times op-ed titled “Baby Hope’s Birth Mom Has a Name,” author Jennifer Weiner talks about the problem of abortion in relation to a situation brought up in Trump’s State of the Union address. Officer Ryan Holets was on duty when he saw Crystal Champ and her husband injecting themselves with some kind of drug, and when he walked over to them he realized she was pregnant. Holets felt that he should adopt the child and get help for the opioid-addicted couple– and he did. However, Weiner claims that Trump purposely left out Ms. Champs name and cut her from the story after the Holets made their adoption offer in order to subtly advance the claim that a fertilized egg is equal to a human life, and the egg should be treated as such. Weiner points out that his choice of diction aligns with the anti-abortion argument that a woman is just a host for the child, and her story ends after she get pregnant. She concludes with a pro-choice message that empowers women to insist to be seen by an administration who wants to erase us from the picture. …show more content…
However, after learning about diction in class, I do find her argument somewhat reasonable. She focuses on Trump’s diction, specifically his use of words with negative connotations to describe Ms. Champ. “President Trump’s decision to refer to Crystal Champ only as “a homeless, addicted pregnant woman,” to identify her with a series of unpleasant descriptors, to not include her as a main character in Baby Hope’s story, is the extension of [anti-abortion] language” (par. 21). Her use of examples of anti-abortion language works well to inform the reader what it looks like and how Trump is guilty of using it, but at times it felt like she was nitpicking over specifics. Overall, I think her comparison of Trump’s description of the story and the motives of pro-life believers is a

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