create opportunities through assignments to visit Albuquerque Museum, or Music classes require students to attend the opera, orchestra, or musical. Casa San Ysidro can target courses at both educational institutions including subjects like Art, History, Southwest Studies, Communications, and Business to name a few.
In addition to encouraging students to attending Casa San Ysidro, the relationship with the educational institutions can be further expanded to include internship opportunities. Student can both learn to further their education and they can also give back to Casa San Ysidro by providing their insight on any of the functions that Casa San Ysidro needs help with. For example, a marketing student can be recruited to come up with promotional material for future events as well as manage the social media pages. Anderson’s website provides a portal to submit the internship opportunity here: Other examples include inviting students from History courses to Casa San Ysidro to help interpret and find ways of telling Casa San Ysidro’s story. Students can also be tasked with putting together an exhibit if new items are donated to Casa San Ysidro or put together proposals to move items around and create more interactive