Executive Summary
Detailed Description
Contribution to Literature/ Theory
Critic Analysis on the Findings
Josef Blasini and Susanne Leist (2013) ‘Success factors in process performance management’. Business Process Management Journal, 19(3): 477 – 495.
1.0 Executive Summary
In this paper it will be argued that Blasini, etc.’s (2013) study of success factors in process performance management is an interesting but problematic piece of research. The argument will be developed through a critical review of Blasini’s paper, discussing in turn its conceptual bases, research methods, main findings, and practical implications.
2.0 Detailed Description
The focus of Blasini’s paper is in answering his one and only research question with regards to “which success factors contribute to the success of process performance management (PPM)”.
Blasini’s paper reports 11 success factors of process performance management (PPM) which is verified using a multiple case - study to increase reliability of the success factors. In particular the case – study is conducted using four companies from four different economic sectors in Germany. Blasini justifies the paper’s focus, of how relevance are those success factors to PPM, by conducting project documentations, direct observation, interviews and survey. The study utilised on the multi – method research method advocated by Gable (1994) to understand which particular success factors contribute to the success of PPM. Blasini’s research findings suggest that success factors are important in contributing to the successful development, implementation, and application of PPM. This finding resonates with a core theme running through Blasini’s purpose of the research to identify critical success factors in PPM due to its
References: DeLone, W.H. and McLean, E.R. (2003), “The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a ten – year update”, Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 9 – 30. Gable. G.G. (1994). “Integrating case study and survey research methods: an example in information systems”, European Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 3 No.2. Gleich, R. (2001), Das System des Performance Measurement theoretisches Grundkonzept, Entwicklungs- und Anwendungsstand, Vahlen, Munchen. Janz, S. (2008), Performance Management: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Konzeption, Erfolgsauswirkungen und Determinanten am Beispiel der Marketingkommunikation, Unversitat St. Gallen, Schesslitz.