1.1 Background to the Study
This research attempts to analyze the influence of Human Resource Management on organizational performance by focusing on the relationship between three of Human Resource indicators on organizational performance, with the presence of incentives as moderator, in service organization in Nigeria, which is a developing African country. Boxall (1995) contended that Human Resource (HR) practices vary in different societal contexts and none best practice can be applied universally. Thus, it is suggested that organization should define the desired performance outcome as HR practices are different according to the performance measures (Khatri, 2000). It is interesting to note that information technology, employees training, and incentives showed a strong and significant relationship with organizational performance. This could be due to the fact that in most developing countries, the employees are not as highly paid as those workers in developed counties, thus the workers are more concerned with HR practices which could subsequently increase their earnings (Bashir & Khattak, 2008). Hence, incentives given to the employees are found to directly affect the organizational performance rather than moderating the relationship between HR practices and performance.
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