STRATEGY Case for critical analysis
Associated Newspapers Ltd (ANL)–Metro & London Lite
1. What would the SWOT analysis look like for this company?
We have specialized our market focusing in young people, which is hard because they do not usually read newspapers. We have also founded a new newspaper, which is called London Lite, which is mainly designed for women. We have the biggest newspapers sold in the UK, and we have sold 1.1 million copies of our free newspaper, which is now one of the best free newspaper in the UK, and the best one in the world.
Our newspaper is sold in many cities, and around 18 million people.
The newspaper is different from the other because we publish speedy news and bite sized information, which means we can keep up to speed with a minimum of fuss
(this is, we don’t create a situation of scandal).
Advertising in newspaper has declined, and the new way to do so is internet, which offers a simpler and faster way. As we are already selling in many cities in the UK, we can expand our market to other countries such as Ireland.
We are managing a short news newspaper, so we can actually cover more news than any other competitor, so our sales would increase.
The newspaper offers shorter and easier reading news and the stories of serious matter have been scaled back. We can find a new way of telling those serious matter stories in an easier way, in order to cover a major number of news and making them readable for the young people.
Even though we have an opportunity with internet, we haven’t done it well. On internet every newspaper is free, so our competitors have increased, as there are now more free newspapers.
Competitors have launched a free newspaper which could make our customers