With its revolutionary role as resource of communication, newspapers whether printed or digital, get complete attention from everyone. In order to attract people, journalist use different artifices to produce news and advertisements of all kinds in a brief manner. Journalists use various Linguistic devices such as syntactic phonological, morphological, semantic, lexical, rhetorical devices, plenty of figurative language in taglines, headlines and slogans and so on. Language has a powerful dominator role in affecting readers mind and …show more content…
In the play ‘Hamlet’ William Shakespeare wrote in the second act that “Brevity is the soul of wit”.
A massive impact can be done in the reader mind by using simple phrases, clauses and short sentences. Knowing this fact, some journalist prefer to create short simple catchy phrases and Shaped it in the form of headlines, sub- headlines to convey the information in clear, neat, and bright way which gives different souls to the news. Gradually this becomes the hallmark of the newspaper
Opinions can be shaped and changed by the effect of newspapers. With such great power and responsibility, newspapers must meet the requirements of its customers. To achieve this goal, Journalists must be obvious and uncomplicated in the language they use to write the newspaper (Pape 2005: 50).
Usually, there are various ways to attract readers’ attention but for Greer (2008:97) it is only the language that plays a prominent role in controlling and structuring the