4. What should Dr. Barr have done differently to avoid some of the problems she is currently experiencing?
Dr. Barr should have done a better job in keeping track of the inventory. Maybe having a formal system for inventory would help him with that. Also, learning how to manage inventory better. What should have also been done was to set up a schedule based on her clinic. All the physicians and nursers should not be allowed to make purchase orders whenever they want. It should only be done when needed. Having less inventory is another thing that should heave done differently. That in return might help the problem of having medications pass their expiration date. Dr. Barr should have also had more stock of the important supplies so they did not have to run out. Last but not least, have both doctors there on busy days.
Ch. 2
2. Develop a list of changes for the operations function that should be considered by the Bank. Begin by identifying operations management decisions that would be involved in operating a bank, e.g. layout of facility, staff, drive-through service. Then identify ways that they can be improved at Prime Bank in order to support the strategy focused on customer service?
More tellers in the bank and the drive thru.
Improve parking lot situation. Maybe have a space within the mall parking lot dedicated to the customers of the bank only. Or simply expanding the parking lot they have now.
More staffers, also more staffers on the telephone lines as well.
Continue to improve customer service. (online banking, special services, etc)
3. Think of the improvements identified in answering question #2. How different would these improvements be if the Bank had a strategy of cutting cost rather than support- ing customer service?
The changes would be significant, but not as significant as cutting cost. I believe that people would be more happy with lower rates, than let’s say, a little bit more room for parking, or a chocolate when you walk through