Background of the Study
Sweeney Tours is a holiday tour operator offering package holidays to a number of resorts in the Mediterranean. The holidays fly from a number of airports in the UK and have a fairly complicated pricing Structure. There is a great deal of information in the brochures that Sweeney Tours produce along with an Accompanying price guide. Some of the information is on computer but this is somewhat cumbersome as it is in separate systems that are incompatible, incomplete and difficult to use. It is particularly difficult to find holidays that match a customer's specific requests unless the brochure is browsed carefully. Sweeney Tours have decided to computerize the information in their brochure and to include booking information to make it easier to: * Gather specific information from customers and answer questions about the holidays * Check availability of specific packages * Give costs of packages * Take bookings
1.1 Purpose 1. To become familiar with MySql. 2. To understand and experience a data dictionary 3. To become familiar with the data definition and manipulation language SQL. 4. To understand referential integrity 5. To explore the existing database for the Sweeney Tour system.
1.2 Problems
COUNTRY (country, language, timezone, currency)
REGION (region, landtype, country, scenery, page)
RESORT (resort, region, transfertime, beach, beachnum, page)
HOTELS (hotel_id, hotelname, sunbeam, ya, rating, stdbasis, page, resort, resortloc, roomtotal)
FACILITIES (facid, description, category)
FACINRESORT (resort, facid)
FACINHOTEL (hotelid, facid, numof)
1.3 Normalization
1.3.1 First Norm
COUNTRY (countryCode, countryName, language, timezone, currency)
REGION (regionNo, landtype, countryCode, scenery, resortID)
RESORT (resortID, resortloc, regionNo, transfertime, beach, beachnum, page)
HOTELS (hotel_id, hotelname, sunbeam, ya, rating, stdbasis, resortID,