Life for the elderly is not as easy as people may think it is in the US. Today’s economy has made it tougher for the elderly to support themselves. The rising costs of healthcare have made it very hard for older people to support themselves. Many elderly people are getting jobs after retirement in order to have enough money for living and medical expenses, but many jobs do not want to hire an older person, because they know that they can pay a younger person less money and get more work from them. The impact of a failing economy has made everyday life a struggle for the elderly. Elderly people make important contributions in American culture and society. Elderly people keep younger people connected with their heritage and their history. They come from a time that was very different from the one we live in now, so they can help to keep us grounded with stories from their past and advice that comes from experience. Just because someone is elderly does not mean that their life stops. Many elderly people are members of groups that are designed to help other citizens of the US. Society has and will continue to benefit from the elderly population. They are who we will eventually become one day and learning from them, helping them, and just spending quality time with an elderly person can encourage us to be more humble. The problems facing older people and young people are not very different. Older people have more health issues than those of younger people, but the death rate of young people is rapidly becoming comparable to that of the elderly. While a person of a certain age may be experiencing the deaths of many of their friends in a short amount of time, a younger person may be experiencing the same thing. Today, it is more common to hear about the death of a young person daily on the news than an elderly person. Age discrimination is a thing that both age groups have in common. An elderly