1. What do you think is causing some of the problems in the bank’s home office and branches?
Ans: I think these is a problem of recruiting suitable employees. Because there is an employee named Johnson who didn’t know the machine’s name that she’s working with and she didn’t know its name either. She only knew how to operate the machine precisely. The employees don’t have the adequate experience of their work.
With customers to see and loans to be made, they have little time to work with new employees. There is another problem that all branches supervisors hired their own employers without communication with the home office or other branches.
2. Do you think setting up an HR unit in the main office would help?
Ans: Yes, I think setting up an HR unit would help because the Human Resource unit deals with management of people within the organization. Research has shown that the human aspect of resources within an organization contributes approximately eighty percent of the organization’s value. This implies that if people are not managed properly, the organization faces a serious chance of falling apart. The Human Resource Department’s main objective is to bring out the best in their employees and thus contribute to the success of the Company.
It’ll help to recruit suitable employees for the organization and those who need training can be provided proper training and make them effective. . Training is essential for members of staff who have been working for the organization for a long time this is especially so in the wake of technological advancements, legal changes and changes in service delivery.
3. What specific functions should an HR unit carry out? What HR functions would then be carried out by supervisors and other line managers? What roles should the Internet play in the new HR organization?
Ans: Typically the management responsibilities carried out by line managers (particularly front-line managers) might include: * day-to-day