I. Introduction
Think of a time when you have or have no received credit for something that you did. How did that make you feel (good or bad)? How do you think the Lord feels when we do not choose to honor him in the things that he chooses to do through us?
II. Into the Word
Read Acts 14:8-20
Q1. While they were at Lystra, Paul and Barnabus encountered a disabled man. What was his disability? (v. 8)
Q2. When did Paul realize the disabled man had faith to be healed? (v. 9)
Q3. After the man became healed, the crowd assumed that Paul and Barnabas were which Greek gods? (v. 12)
Insight 1: Zeus and Hermes were also known as Jupiter and Mercury. They were popular gods in the Roman world. According to an old legend, these gods visited them once and the only people to offer them hospitality were an old couple. Legend has it that the gods killed everyone in their town, but spared this couple. So when …show more content…
What was Paul and Barnabas’ reactions to the people’s response to the crippled mans healing? (v. 14-15)
Q5. According to Paul, God has allowed nations to go their own way in the past, but has never left them without ____________. (v. 17)
Q6. What was Paul’s example of the answer to Question 6? (v. 17)
Insight 2: Paul wrote that God’s evidence in nature leaves people without an excuse for unbelief (Romans 1:20).
Q7. How did the people respond to Paul and Barnabas’ response to their gifts and sacrifices? (v. 18)
Q8. From what cities did a group of Jews arrive in Lystra to “win over” the crowds that were listening and sacrificing to Paul and Barnabas? (v. 19)
Q9: What did the crowd ultimately end up doing to Paul? (v. 19)
Q10: When the believers began to gather around Paul, what did he do? (v. 20)
Insight 3: We should never submit our emotions to the authority of man’s approval. “Jesus understood how fickle crowds can be” (John 2:24-25). As believers, we are responsible for knowing the nature of man and putting our trust and identity in the One who created