In conclusion with this assignment series, in this fourth assignment, the final recommendation as solutions that will fix this major company thread. Major change will need to happen in order to address this imminent problem. Flayton Electronics has faced a severe risk that can jeopardize the integrity of the business leaving it open to lawsuits from either customers, banks, or investors.
Project Progress
The Flayton Electronics security breach had brought with it many risks and opportunity since the time that it was breached. There have been many issues and speculations on what and how the incident has brought about. In conclusion to part four of this assignment, a few recommendation have been made in order to address the data breached, one of the first recommendation was to perform a series of investigation and analysis about the risks, creating a plan to cover the risks from the incident to become much larger threads. As following the line of thinking from the other three prior assignments, there are several risks that have been identified in regards to the Flayton Electronics security breach incident. The top risks identified were communication incident, lack of infrastructure to keep up with company’s fast growth, need to educate employees in the event of another similar problem happen again, the restructure the IT security so customer information are more protected, and the political risks as the electronics company is risking law suits against the company if the customers are to find out about the stole data. Furthermore, the company is working closely with the FBI and secret service who have advised them to not communicate the breach to any of their customers (McNulty, 2007).
These major issues need to be alleviated in order to ensure that it does not happen again causing issues to arise once again destroying even more the fragile image of Flayton Company causing them to losing both customers, investors, and their business integrity from