1. What segmentation criteria has MasterCard used in the healthcare, sports, and affluent market segments? What segmentation criteria are implicit in MasterCard’s selection of these segments?
Answer- In health care products the mellon bank corporation and the joint venture of master card. The companies provide the depository payment and processing services for medical savings account. Included in the package is the master card master money debit card.
It allows money related debit expenses and higher deductable debit policies and tax deferred savings account.
In this people pay tax deductions and higher tax deductable medical insurances. In this people pay pre tax contributions to their accounts. In this people provide to pay participating companies directly easily and relevantly and smoothly.
Master card targets sports people and so its sponsored the world cup soccer. One of the newest venture is the Jordan grandprix motor race. Sports sponsorships are the powerful tools that enable master cards to launch effective and brand value of their business….
It licensed opportunity and drive the powerful tool of driving the Jordan card an effective way to promote the branding of the product.
Master card promotes the formula one as its most powerful tool to attract the hungry credit customers and also it has recently launch the implications of the powerful way of attracting the rich customers to make it a point it is a good way of the credit card company. One of the major factor is the power of the credit card company is the way a transaction occur that means where check and money are unacceptable then the power of the credit card occurs.
The rich needs this benefit as of more than others.
The master card selection indicate that the people use it for two purposes may indicate:
1: the cash and cheque might be unacceptable so it is the power of the master card which make the transactions