Assupol Life:
95 Years
Utilising the past to strategise for the future
Assupol Life is an authorised financial services and credit provider with its main interest vested in life insurance and financial services - this also includes shortterm insurance. The company celebrated its 95th birthday in 2009.
Assupol Life saw its anniversary as a powerful promotional, marketing and strategic opportunity and discovered how its history could be utilised to promote the company. The birthday celebrations took place on 15 July 2009, while the marketing of '95 years of service excellence' continued throughout the year.
The history of the company became the vehicle through which it shared its proud legacy with employees and clients. It evoked emotions of loyalty and trust,
(while strategising desired outcomes for the future), 'Growing our future from the roots of our past' became their strategic angle and driver.
Experience echoes of the past
All advertising (both in the print and electronic media), as well as internal communication, was branded with the 9S Logo.
L • I • F • E
An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider
results were published
with the following
A forest is not grown in a season
The Assupol Life Group of Companies has delivered pleasing results in the past year. 'We are proud of a decent set of results, despite the challenging environment in which they were produced; says Gert Wessels,CEOof Assupol Life.
Summary of the results:
Group assets: Increased by 5,9% to R2,146 billion
Embedded value: Increased by 33,1%
Group operating profit: Decreased to R137 million
Net group insurance premiums: Increased by 12,6%
Total group income: Decreased by 13,7%.
'The operating profit was affected by the weaker returns on financial assets, compared to the previous year. But