2. What are some specific moral reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? -Some people may reject the Christian gospel because in their mind they cannot see that a God that supposedly loves us can let us go to hell and burn. Another reason why it may be reject is because they still question why God …show more content…
At that moment questions start to rise why? How? People cannot understand or will not accept God decisions. They start questioning themselves is God is a real God why this happen. Another reason is when somebody which is supposedly a Christian does a terrible thing to them. Instead of blaming the person the blame God because in their mind God could have prevented if He is the Almighty.
4. What are some specific intellectual reasons people may reject the Christian gospel? - I think people these days are like Thomas if they do not have a real proof they will not believe. Intellectually they cannot comprehend how God can be three people at the same time. Where is the proof that he died on the cross and that He rose again. According to them this does not make any sense, does not have any logic or a reasonable explanation.
5. What can Christians do to address these objections and better communicate the Christian gospel? -When we are trying to communicate the Christian gospel the main Key is to be respectful to the other person you are trying to talk to. We as a Christian have the best tool the Bible. It can answer all the questions that this person might have. But if the person still does