main purpose of this campaign is to promote its brand among potential customers
and to create a positive feeling between the Charles Schwab brand and the public.
The details about this campaign are below:
• Charles Schwab will select 20 college seniors and call them to arrange a job
• These students will be selected by the following requirements:
o Student must qualified for financial Aid
o Have applied for scholarships in the past
o Have shown leadership on campus
o GPA above a 3.0
• The first 10 seniors to contact Charles Schwab to set up the interview will be
selected for the program
• These seniors
will be under the assumption that the interview is for a job
position at Charles Schwab
• The interview will be done via skype
• The interview will be recorded by Charles Schwab in order to record the
responses of the seniors
Big idea: The interviewer will ask 5 questions. On the 6th
be asked, “If you were given $1,000, what would you use it towards?” The response
will be recorded. Then the interviewer will tell the student that they have been
granted $1,000 in a Charles Schwab account for showing leadership and academic
• Record the responses of the seniors when they find out they are receiving
this gift. (possible responses: overjoyed, cheering, disbelief, etc)
• Merge all of the interviews onto one youtube campaign with all of the
responses shared at once
What does the campaign entail?
• Charles Schwab will help these 10 students to pay back their student loans by
granting them each a gift of $1,000.
How will this Youtube video be shared?
• Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
• Money can’t buy advertising like this. This campaign will leave customers
with an immeasurable feeling that Charles Schwab cares about people,
especially college students. Therefore, Charles Schwab will be further
considered when people are selecting their financial institutions.
question, the student will This campaign will leave customers
with an immeasurable feeling that Charles Schwab cares about people,
especially college students. Therefore, Charles Schwab will be further
considered when people are selecting their financial institutions.