Cheeri’s behavior does not affect her learning or the learning of those around her, does not limit her interactions with peers, and does not put anybody's safety at risk. The behaviors may be considered annoying or frustrating for the teacher, but there are strategies that can be implemented to address some of these behaviors such as calling out without raising hands that does not require the use of functional behavior assessment and intervention plan. Cherri’s teacher can model and role- playing raising hands to respond to questions. If these behaviors worsen or begin to affect Cherri’s learning and the learning of her peers, limits her interactions with peers, or puts others safety at risk then a functional behavior assessment and intervention plan may be necessary, but not under the current …show more content…
His teacher believes that Leonard should be tested for ADHD and evaluated for special education services, but his parents have refused. Some of the behaviors described in the case study include moving in his seat and standing as his desk, rocking in chair, balancing on his chair, and climbing on the chair, dropping and picking up his pencil, rubbing his limbs and body on desk, tapping pencils and hitting his books, biting pencils and his fingers, repeatedly sharpening pencils, repeatedly ask questions, leaves seats and wanders, and yawns loudly. Leonard also rarely completes his work and often walks away when being spoken to by adults. When Leonard was observed he distracted his peers from their work including peers stopping their work to chat with Leonard, the teacher constantly had to interrupt instruction to address Leonards behavior, Leonard ran and tripped over peers, and did not complete his work correctly. Leonards behavior interferes with his own learning and the learning of his peers. It also affects his social relationships. His behavior is harmful to himself and others. For example, biting his fingers may result in injury, him climbing on his chair may result in him falling or hurting another child, and him running into peers could of resulted in himself or his peers getting hurt. According to the case study, the behavior does occur frequently and happens daily. Leonards behavior does meet the criteria for challenging