There were five areas that both his mother and teacher rated Randy in the At-Risk or Clinically Significant range. These areas were Hyperactivity, Atypicality, Adaptability, Social Skills and the Content Scale area of Executive Functioning. His mother and teacher rated him in the At-Risk in Hyperactivity. An At-Risk score here suggests that
Randy often engages in a number of behaviors that may be adversely affecting other children in the classroom. At times, Randy is considered to be restless and impulsive, and has difficulty maintaining his self-control. The second area that both raters rated him in the At-Risk range was in the area of Adaptability. An At-Risk score here suggests that Randy has difficulty adapting to changing situations and that he takes longer to recover from difficult situations than most others his age. The third area that both raters rated him had elevated scores was in the area of Atypicality. Randy’s mother rated him in the At-Risk …show more content…
range. His teacher rated Randy in the Clinically Significant range in Atypicality. An elevated score here indicated that both raters feel that Randy engages in behaviors that are considered strange or odd and he generally seems disconnected from his surroundings. The fourth At-Risk area for both raters was in the area of Social Skills. An elevated score here suggests that Randy has difficulty with skills such as complimenting others and making suggestions for improvement in a tactful and socially acceptable manner. The final area that both raters rated Randy with an elevated score was in the area of Executive Functioning. This category will be covered in the Content Scale section.
In the school environment Randy displays more significant behaviors than in the home setting. In the school setting there were four categories that his teacher rated him in the Clinically Significant range (Aggression, Anxiety, Depression, Withdrawal). These four categories, in the home setting, were rated in the average range. Randy's T score on Aggression is 83. Randy's teacher reports that he displays a high number of aggressive behaviors and may be reported as being argumentative, defiant, and/or threatening to others. Randy's T score on Anxiety is72. Randy's teacher reports that he frequently displays behaviors stemming from worry, nervousness, and/or fear. Randy's T score on Depression is 105 and has a percentile rank of 99. Randy's teacher reports that he is withdrawn, pessimistic, and/or sad.
There were five categories that his teacher rated him in the At-Risk range (Conduct Problems, Attention Problems, Leadership, Study Skills, and Functional Communication). Randy's T score on Conduct Problems is 67. Randy's teacher reports that he sometimes engages in rule-breaking behaviors. Randy's T score on Attention Problems is 68. An At-Risk score here suggests that Randy has difficulty maintaining necessary levels of attention at school. Randy's T score on Leadership is 32. An elevated score here indicates that Randy sometimes has difficulty making decisions, and/or has trouble getting others to work together effectively. Randy's T score on Study Skills is 35. At school Randy demonstrates weak study skills, is poorly organized, and has difficulty turning in assignments on time. Randy's T score on Functional Communication is 33. Randy's teacher reports that he demonstrates poor expressive and receptive communication skills and that Randy has difficulty seeking out and finding information on his own. There were two Content Scale areas that both his mother and teacher rated Randy with an elevated scores (Resiliency and Executive Functioning). His mother and teacher rated Randy in the At-Risk range in Resiliency . An elevated score in Resiliency suggests has difficulty overcoming stress and adversity. The last area that both his mother and teacher rated him as At-Risk (home) or Clinically Significant (school) was in the area of Executive Functioning. Both raters feel that Randy has difficulty controlling and maintaining his behavior and mood. Executive function is the mental processes that enable a person to plan, focus attention, remember instructions, and juggle multiple tasks successfully. With the BASC III, the Content Scale area of Executive Functioning was further broken down and exam. Executive Functioning is broken down into: Problem Solving Index, Attentional Control Index, Behavioral Control Index, and Emotional Control Index.
There were four areas that Randy’s teacher rated him in the Clinically Significant range; while his mother rated him in the average range (Anger Control, Bullying, Developmental Social Disorder, Emotional Self-Control, and Negative Emotionality). Randy's T score on Anger Control is. Randy's teacher reports that he has a tendency to become irritable quickly and has difficulty maintaining his self-control when faced with adversity. Randy's T score on Bullying is 86. Randy's teacher reports that he has a tendency to be disruptive, intrusive, and/or threatening toward other students. Randy's T score on Developmental Social Disorders is 81. A Clinically Significant score indicates that Randy has poor social skills and difficulty communicating with others. Randy's T score on Emotional Self-Control is 97 and has a percentile rank of 99. Randy's teacher reports that Randy has a tendency to become easily upset, frustrated, and/or angered in response to environmental changes.
Randy completed the Self-Report BASC III.
There were five areas that he rated himself in the At-Risk range Atypicality, Anxiety, Depression, Somatization, and Attention Problems. Randy's T score on Atypicality is 66. Randy reports that he occasionally has unusual thoughts and perceptions. Randy's T score on Anxiety is 62 and has a percentile rank of 86. Randy reports substantial worrying, nervousness, and/or an inability to relax. Randy's T score on Depression is 62. Randy reports sometimes feeling sad, being misunderstood, and/or feeling that life is getting worse and worse. Randy's T score on Somatization is 69. Randy reports experiencing health-related problems that may include headaches, sore muscles, stomach ailments, and/or dizziness. Randy's T score on Attention Problems is 60. Randy reports that he has difficulty maintaining necessary levels of attention. These problems might disrupt academic performance and functioning in other
The Skilled Area Scaled Score has a mean of 10. This scale has a standard deviation of three. The mean range is between 7 and 13. The Conceptual composite scale is made up of the skill areas of: Communication, Functional Academic, and Self-Direction. The Social Composite area is made up of: Social and Leisure. The Practical Composite is made up of: Community Living Health and Safety, Home Living, Self-Care.
Skill Area Scaled Score Profile.
Skill Area Description Of Skills Area
Speech, language, and listening skills needed for communication with other including vocabulary, responding to questions, conversations etc.
The scores on the BASC II were significantly different when comparing the home and school settings. In the school setting, Randy has experienced increasing struggles with self-regulation, frustration tolerance, interpersonal socialization, and engaging in academic and social tasks. In the home setting, his mother indicated that he will withdrawal into his room. His mother and father frequently attempt to get him to engage with them for whole family activities. Randy will tolerate this for a short period. His mother stated the he will ask if he can return to his room. In the school setting he is given frequent break and free choice time. However, since he cannot isolate himself, the frustration and aggression are exhibited more. During the 2016-17 school year Randy displayed five acts of physical aggression that required Safe Crisis Management intervention. The dates that required SCM physical interventions were: 10/04/2016, 10/25/2016 and 11/18/2016, 2/8/2017 and 2/16/2017. For the first semester of the 2016-17 school year, there were seven significant instances that Randy exhibited verbal aggression towards staff and/or peers.
The ABAS II were more similar when comparing the results from the home and school settings. The Global Adaptive Composite in both setting fell within the Extremely Low range. Randy’s relative strength was in the Conceptual Composite score in the home setting. His score for the Conceptual Composite area at home fell within the borderline range. The Skill Areas categories in Conceptual are Communication, Functional Academic, and Self-Direction. In the school setting the composite area of Practical was a relative strength. This composite area consists of the Skill Areas of Community Use, Health and Safety, School Living, and Self-Care. The Skill Area School Living and Self-Care fell within the average range.