LM receives Special Education services as a student with a Serious Emotional Disability (primary) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (secondary). He has also been diagnosed with AD/HD and currently takes number of medications for this. The mental health provider indicates that they are currently working recognizing social cues and understanding social interactions, and struggles with his ability to be flexible with changes in routines.
Results from the BASC-3 highlight several significant concerns regarding LM's emotions and behavior. Teachers and parents report concerns regarding LM's ability to control his emotions and his anger. His teachers scored him in the clinically significant …show more content…
In addition, LM indicated that he's sometimes someone you can rely on and sometimes dependable (self-reliance).
LM's mother indicated that his home environment is highly structured to avoid surprises, changes in routine, and situations that might be overstimulating for LM. LM is given as much notice as possible regarding change, is given multiple warnings before transitions, and is provided with a lot of time and space to process expectations. Although he can participate in community activities, such as Boy Scouts, his level of participation varies. His mother indicated that he typically leaves Scouts early, before the stressful activities, such as physical games,