Parker is an eleven years old who lives with her mom, grandma and her sister Jackie. Jackie is an honor roll student at the local high school. While Parker’s Mon is a single mother whose working double shift to manage the house and take care of the family, grandma take the role of a caregiver. At recent teacher-parent conference, Jackie and grandma were unease upon hearing that Parker is struggling academically and failure to make friends. The teacher mentioned that he display disruptive behaviors in the classroom. His interruption during instructions tends to make other classmates lose focus. He can’t seem to stay in his desk for long, always moving around and barely attention. He has been experiencing difficulties with getting …show more content…
He lost most of the supplies that I bought him at the beginning of the school year, when it’s time to get his work done he claim to not having any utensil.
Jackie: Most of the time he’s agitated, he has trouble concentrating, even on things that he likes to do.
How do you cope with these behaviors in the home environment?
Grandma: He’s mom is usually at work by the time he came from school. He’s the type of child who can’t go unsupervised. When I am doing chores around the house, Jackie is usually the one to keep him on sight. When we’re both busy, we usually occupy his time with TV and online video games, if not things will get destroy around the house. Even when we go out for an ice cream we have to be very careful with him because he will run in the shop, on the streets, even walkout without one of us being aware. He almost got hurt in multiples in the streets in multiple occasions.
Does his behavior affect the family? If so, explain.
Mom: Yes. We used to go out on the weekends to enjoy ourselves as a family, now we can no longer do that anymore. We don’t attending social gathering due to his unwillingness to wait for turns, staying at a particular spot, talking very loud, and when he’s ask to do something he will