Doing skills in everyday life allows us to meet our individual needs
We can maintain support for our clients in their life by discussing their needs with them and how they wont to tackle them. I work in a unit for severe learning disabilities and we discuss with parents and the client what they would like to achieve
Through the days we work with the clients for them to be able to fulfil their needs and activities. Working alongside them allows them to be able to complete their tasks themselves; this takes a more person centred approach. The clients also feel a sense of pride in what they have achieved and satisfaction.
We could do the tasks for the clients and take away their choice it could lead to the clients having behaviour problems, also in the long term they will lose skills they have will not be able to learn or regain skills.
1.2 Analyse reasons why individuals may need support to maintain, regain or develop skills for everyday life You may find that in different stages of life people will have different problems that affect skills for everyday life
One of the clients I work with has autism and shows different variants during different times of the year
At Christmas time his behaviour turned quite aggressive and everyday tasks took a lot long and needed a lot more support. He also needed the support to understand how the behaviour is not socially accepted.
He attends college on a regular basis but as his social skills is quite limited because of his condition and during these times he requires more support from carers to be able to cope in the situation and carry on with the course he enjoys. As he is doing this on a regular basis and getting to know the people support is beginning to get less
We also have to remind him about hygiene on a regular basis and are encouraging him to wash his own clothes and prepare his own food giving him the opportunity to live