Ellen: Depression and Suicidality
Student Name: Donna
Diagnosing Ellen
1a. Refer to the DSM-IV checklist and list all symptoms that Ellen has that match the criteria for major depressive episode. Which of Ellen's symptoms meet any of the criteria? (Be sure to match specific symptoms with specific criteria.)
DSM criteria #1 depressed mood most of the day. Correlating Behaviors v Ellen has reported that she had been distracted for part of the day, but quickly returned to her depressive state. DSM criteria #2, disminished intrest or pleasure for most of the day. Correlating behaviors, Ellen was back to thinking about suicide and her feelings of depression. DSM criteria #7 feelings of worthless ness and guilt. Correlating behaviors, Ellen reported that her mother had died and that she should have been there, even thought she was 800 miles away. DSM criteria #8 reduced ability to think or concentraite. Correlating behavior, Ellen had went through 4 different issues at one time none of which where thought through to make sense or was logical. DSM criteria # 9, reacuring thoughts of death and sucide and making a plan. Correlating behaviors, Hellen had prepared a plan to get a new gun to improve her aim and how she was going to write a note for her ex-boyfriend and murder herself at the school. Also in according to DSM Cruteria Ellens appitite is very limited as well.
1b. Can Ellen be said to be suffering from a major depressive disorder?
Yes, I do believe that Ellen is suffering from a major depressive disorder.
1c. Explain and defend your diagnoses or lack thereof.
Helen has met 6 DSM criteria for that disorder, and clearly had a plan to take action, along with having a poor appatiate and feeling depressed.
2. Where does Ellen fit with Shneidman’s taxonomy of people who intentionally end their lives?
Ellen does fit into the roll of Shneidmans taxonomy. Ellen seems to belive that her death will be some sort of way to