1. What is Ms.Y’s current DSM-IV diagnosis?
2. What factors in her background have contributed to her diagnosis?
3. How has her diagnosis affected her parenting capability?
Identifying information
Ms. Y is age 32. She is single, employed, of mixed background and has 3 children.
Chief Complaint
Client states she is in psychotherapy to “regain custody of her children”. She denies any symptoms of depression, mania, panic disorder, or obsessive compulsive disorder. She say’s sometimes she hears an inner voice that is not aloud and does not have any attachment to someone. She mentions her weight goes up and down but it’s not do to symptoms associated with eating disorders. She denies any history of psychiatric hospitalizations …show more content…
The client says that her uncle threaten to hurt her if she ever told. Ms. Y has kept silence about this abuse up until a year ago. It is suggested that her not being verbal about the abuse was the reason why she struggle at school with classmates and relatives. She got into fights that included hitting and kicking but never any weapons or anyone being serious injured. Ms. Y continues to stay in fights and states it was due to when she frustrated about something. Ms. Y grew up in a home setting that was built on false information. Ms. Y apparent birth mother turns out to be her adoptive mother and her birth mother left her at birth. Ms. Y states that she did not feel loved by her adoptive mother and that her mother did not set limits and allowed her to do what she pleased. During Ms.Y senior year, she got pregnant; this is a time where her grades dropped. The father of the child soon abandoned her once the baby was born. Ms. Y was forced to raise the baby on her own and decided to raise the baby in her mother …show more content…
Ms. Y is currently DSM-IV diagnosis is post traumatic stress disorder with a few differential diagnosis such as psychotic disorder, delusional disorder, and dissociative amnesia. Ms. Y meets the criteria A because she was exposed to sexual abuse. She meets B because she currently she still have dissociative reactions like flashbacks in the moment of having sexual intercourse. She meets C because she has avoided memories of her trauma by keeping it to herself and has not disclosed her thoughts and feelings about it up until a year ago. After 30 sessions, she has acknowledged her abuse but still fails to give details of her past. Criteria D is present in her current relationships in which she struggles to form emotional closeness with others. The clients meet E due to her verbal and psychically aggression towards her children especially after learning that her children were sexually abused. The remaining F, G, and H criteria are present due to the duration of her symptoms and her ability to function as a parent who is not related to any substances or