The church has a total of 2,533 active members. It has three scheduled worship services every Sunday: 8:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M., and 3:00 P.M., and a midweek worship service on Thursday. Each of which, except for the midweek, is called a family and is headed by a pastor. The Thursday service is a joint worship service of all the families.
With the population of church attendees continuously increasing, the church leaders decided to adopt the Government of 12 (G12) structure in consolidating the members. G12 was introduced in the Philippines in 2004 and was first implemented by the church in 2005. This structure is like networking of people, which consists of the Men’s Net, Women’s Net, Youth Net Male and Youth Net Female.
The Bishop will have 12 men under him to take care of by consistently meeting them (cell grouping) once a week to study the Bible, share practical advices, and lifting their needs to God through prayers. Each of these 12 men will also take care of 12 men, and do the same. On the other hand, the head pastor (the Bishop’s wife) also takes care of 12 women, and each of these women takes care of 12 others, and to the down line. Male youth joins the down line of the Men’s Net and female youth joins the down line of the Women’s Net. All new church members will be assigned as down line of the members to complete their twelve. Figure 1.1 shows the logical structure of G12.
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Figure 1.1 The G12 Structure
Before one can become an official member of the church, he needs to complete 5 lessons, one every Sunday, called the New Believers’ Training Course (NBTC). This is conducted to give the person ample time to decide whether to become a member of the church or not. After the NBTC, he needs to attend the Encounter God Weekend (EGW), and an online