24 Haverstock Hill Chalk Farm London NW3 2BQ Telephone 020 7267 0975 Fax 020 7267 3807 email
Headteacher: John Dowd Deputy Heads: Gillian Cant, Caroline Davis & Darren Luckhurst
Dear Colleague, Thank you for your interest in Haverstock School. I have been Headteacher for 12 years and over that time we have transformed ourselves into the self-confident, successful and ambitious school that you will experience if you visit us. The application pack comprises our school brochure, job description, a summary of the School Improvement Plan priorities, a copy of our Leadership Team Structure, data about the school and a copy …show more content…
We are currently at the feasibility stage of designing and building new sixth form accommodation. We review our curriculum offer annually at KS3, KS4 and Post-16. We have a two-week timetable based on 60-minute lessons. Our key priorities at Key Stage 3 are to improve literacy and numeracy and independent learning skills. At KS4 we have an extended core curriculum and have introduced a wide choice of subjects, including a number of vocational courses. We have extended our Post-16 offer this year to provide a range of appropriate courses for all of our students, including level 1, 2 and 3 courses as Sixth Form numbers have grown. We regularly review our curriculum, not only in light of national curriculum changes and 14-19 curriculum opportunities, but also as part of our drive to excellence and development of an innovative, bespoke pedagogy. Ofsted judged our curriculum to be outstanding. We are working hard to improve attainment with an emphasis on teaching and learning. We have an extensive database related to student achievement, which is used to set targets and monitor progress for individuals and pre-identified groups of students. We have a strong Behaviour for Learning Manifesto which is the basis of our work here. Whilst we have a challenging community at Haverstock, behaviour overall is good and continues to improve. Students here feel safe, are happy and relationships between students and between students and staff are excellent. This is also clearly reflected in our Ofsted report. The school pastoral system is organised on a year basis and the teaching organisation is both mixed ability and setted. The tutor is the key pastoral person in the system. Registration takes place at the beginning and end of each day. We have a strong Student Council who really are involved in the development of the school and play an active part in school life. This includes involvement in the selection process for senior