Case Analysis
Title: Nipissing Bank
Individual Analysis (pre-class)–Must be typedCase Review (3): 500,000 clients, 3 types. 25 branches. Broad range of services. Very competitive environment. Competition increases from technological advances/internet enabled foreign competitors. Scott employed for 20 years. Responsibilities are to develop departmental plans, set goals and deadlines, implement procedures to improve productivity and customer service and define the responsibilities of supervisory managers. Reports to the vice-president of admin. services, Geoff Marti. Main revenue is interest on capital it loans to clients. Nipissing pays interest on deposits but charges interest on all loans. Increases profits by increasing the spread, acquiring more and larger clients, selling more services to clients or reducing overhead. 2007 total clients decreased for first time. Mailing marketing complicated due to type of client. Needs better efficiency.Options (4): 1: Cost is $65000, plus $15750 a year. Same manual labour. Would make total process 26.05 seconds long. Is discontinued in 2012 and will deplete useful life in 2014. Option solution only temporary. In next few years, have to reassess same issue when machine used up. Gives time to investigate if cliental will increase or decrease. 2: Cost is $435000, plus $25000 a year. No added manual labour. Mailsorter value: $10000 to $15000. 30 days of downtime, all packaging processing must be done manually. Not large issue due to the long-term savings of not having added manual labour once installed. Will suit needs when cliental reaches 1 million clients. Can complete the process in approx. 52.1 seconds. Faster then old machine system including manual stuffing needed. Able to make sure client confidentiality is kept. Make sure the packages are nice, no tears or wrinkles. Will not have to reinvest for another 20 years. If number of clients increases there will be no additional costs. Successful due to