"No Bats in the Belfry: The origin of White-Nose Syndrome in Little Brown Bats"
Part 1 Questions
1. What is the basic question of the study and why is it interesting? The basic question of thIs study is "Is the European strand of Pseudogymnoascus destructans causing White-noise syndrome (WNS) in the United States?"
This question is interesting because if it is the European strand of P. destructans causing WNS in North America then why is it not occurring in as high of levels and why are bats not dying in as big of a capacity in Europe as the bats in North America.
2. What specific testable hypotheses can you develop to explain the observations and answer the basic question of this study? Write at least two alternative hypotheses. Hypothesis #1: The P. destructans strand causing WNS in North America is the same strand circulating in the European bats. Hypothesis #2: The P. destructans strand causing WNS in North America is a different version of the P. destructans strand causing WNS in Europe.
3. What predictions about the effects of European strains of P. destructans on North American bats can you make if your hypotheses are correct? Write at least one prediction for each of your hypotheses. If my hypotheses are correct then the European strand of P. destructans is killing North American bats in larger quantities because of environmental differences in hypothesis #1. The result in hypothesis #2 would be that North American bats are dying at a faster rate than European because they are not the same strand of P. destructans.
Part 2 Questions
1. Explicitly state the researchers null and alternative hypotheses for this study. The researchers null hypothesis is that the European P. destructans will affect North American bat hibernation at least as severely as does North American P. destructans. The researchers alternative hypothesis is that the disorder arouses them from