Firstly, the team members had an effective and efficient brainstorming session which allowed them to gain a deeper understand of their products and no criticisms were allowed when ideas were raised. The wilder the ideas, the better it was as having wilder ideas will allow a take off point for innovation of the product. The team members were also focused on the task which prevented them from drifting away from the main idea. With regards to their strategy, they spoke to different people who have a significant interaction about the product, which provided them with a deeper insight of the issues faced and the improvements that can be made to improve the shopping trolley. This team also had an innovative culture in which a fun environment there helped to simulate creativity. During the process, they eliminated ideas which were unfeasible, thus helping them to scope down on their final product. At the prototyping stage, they built their own prototypes in teams and took the best ideas out of each which in turn allowed them to produce an innovative end …show more content…
As a strong believer of design thinking, they believe in integrating people and technology to innovate viable products for businesses. Firstly, they made it a point to understand the various issues which the stakeholders have faced and took extra effort to address those issues during their brainstorming session. Also, they did not condemn any idea but used it as a link to come out with a better ideas instead. During their brainstorming sessions, they constantly sketched out the possible products so as to allow them get a better visualisation of the product. During the prototyping segment, they also constantly refined their products are shared their views to further improve the product. With a stringent design process in place, they managed to come out with something very different for the shopping trolley product such as having hand baskets that are stacked in a metal frame for convenience of users and a high tech scanner to allow users to skip the checkout traffic