Group No: 9
Sophy S Babu (54) Soumitri (55) Subramanian Suraj (56) Sujay Dutta (57) Suman Gunjan Churchung (58) Suneetha F Maschrenhans (59) Suraj karkidholi (60)
College: National School of Business Section: Sem 1 MBA (section B)
When Doordarshan was launched in the market, they enjoyed the monopoly. They earned almost 100% revenue at that time. In 1982 Doordarshan only presented as a regular satellite channel.
During 1992-1994 the number of cable and satellite channels entered into the media market and they decreased Doordarshan’s revenue growth rate to nearly 24%. After 1994 Doordarshan encountered oligopoly market and faced the heat of competition from the market.
During 1996-1999 Doordarshan revenue growth rate had gone down by 70.17%. After that in 2000 Government appointed a committee to solve all kinds of problem and regenerate the good revenue.
Doordarshan the national television service of India is devoted to public service broadcasting (is one of the largest terrestrial network in the world).
Doordarshan is of the largest broadcasting organisation in the world in terms of the infrastructure of studio and transmitters, the variety of software and the vastness of the viewership.
The experimental telecast started in Delhi in September 1959 with a small transmitter and a market shift studio and regular daily transmission started in 1965.
Television was separated from radio in 1976 and Doordarshan came into existence, from then onwards there has been steady progress in Doordarshan.
The flagship of Doordarshan – Doordarshan 1 – operates through a network of 1308