Karpe’s mission to stalk Julia is successful through intimidation. His continuous actions in Random Hall made it nearly impossible for Julia to feel safe in her room alone, especially because of his previous actions of randomly entering her room without permission. Karpe also uses emotional abuse by harming Julia’s dignity and self-respect. He humiliates her by breaking into her computer, downloading an intimate video of her and her significant other and then proceeding to show it to his classmates. The image that he put in her classmate’s minds, diminished Julia’s worthiness. The Judicial Committee of residence also emotionally abuses her through playing mind games. She thought that after pursuing charges against Karpe, he would be forced to move out and not allowed to return, unfortunately, Karpe’s “sanction ultimately applied allowed [him] to remain in Random Hall” (Campbell and Longo 9). Lastly, using coercion and threats led to the ultimate result of the case between Karpe and Julia. Although he did not threat Julia that he was going to commit suicide himself, he used threatening actions towards her that led Julia to commit suicide. Her charges against Karpe were not dropped, but the Judicial Committee acted as if they were not threatening to Julia’s safety and allowed him to stay. Intimidation, emotional abuse, and coercion and threats are what drove Karpe to be …show more content…
After a semester of school passed, Julia recognized a series of unwanted behavior from Karpe. She evaluated her self-worth and reported his behavior to the Judicial Committee where she hoped for results that would allow her to feel safe rather than threatened, but unfortunately, the results were not in her favor. Throughout the case, we see Julia having less worthiness and respect for herself while seeing Karpe gain self-worth. Julia was losing human dignity due to the harassment she was experiencing and because she found out that her charges against Karpe led to minimal consequences for him. On the other hand, Karpe was gaining self-esteem through his relentless actions towards Julia and receiving a ‘sanction’ that allowed him to remain living in the same hall as her. The climax of the case was at its highest when Julia’s human dignity was at its lowest. When her dignity was at its absolute lowest, that is when she decided to end her own