Phokeng is a name that is from the Bafokeng people. It was named after the seeds that the Bafokeng people used to eat when they were facing a drought. Originally it was called a place of dew. This place was bought from the European colonists. Platinum was found and Phokeng was promoted to being the richest tribe. Phokeng has a lot of opportunities to raise businesses because it’s the centre of tourism in North West. Oom Paul, Sun City casino and Valley of waves is located closer to Phokeng. This place has an atmosphere of countryside. A person would have no trouble fitting in the country like life style. When you are in Phokeng you would have job opportunities because of the tourism that is happening in the area. There really good websites that expand on Phokeng but it is just facts.
A place such as Phokeng is an …show more content…
People want to be nearer to the living tradition and have the experience of different things and the heritage of different people. This is what people from all over the world want in marketing as they change their expectations for their holidays, they are now taking shorter trips and they want to gain more from their trips. The UK commercial research shows that in 1999, 49% of people wanted a code guarantee of good working conditions, the protection of the environment also supporting tourism at the tourist areas sustainable tourism. Also in 2001, 52% wanted the same thing this shows how people are now want to see the responsibility and reputation of businesses they want to support. This has an impact on businesses in Cape Town and South Africa. Responsible tourism makes business sense a significant, and growing, number of tourists are looking for better experience, a better quality product. (,