Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Introduction 3
Definition of Main Terms 3
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 3
Corporate Ethics 4
Critical Arguments 5
Role of CSR in Travel and Tourism Industry 5
Role of Business Ethics in Travel and Tourism Industry 6
Benefits of Implementing CSR and business ethics in the tourism industry 6
Evaluation 7
The link of CSR and business Ethics in tourism industry 7
The link business Ethics in tourism industry 7
Conclusion 8
References 9
Bibliography 12
The relationship between the business and the society has for long been a source of intellectual interest to business ethicists. One of the greatest challenges of the mankind and the contemporary organisation is to maintain the sustainability. The requirements of the present as well as future generations cannot be met if proper care and respect is not given to the natural resources and core social as well as environmental values. In this context it is important to mention that business as a part of the society has certain critical role towards the society. Therefore it should be the business interest to recognize the common environmental and social problem (Mullerat, 2011). Considering from a general point of view it can be concluded that an organisation cannot flourish until and unless the environment in which the organisation is operating are healthy. Similarly maintaining ethics in the work place is equally important. Ethics guides an organisation to maintain moral, ecological and social consciousness inside the organisation (Gangone & et. al., 2010).
Definition of Main Terms
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
In the world of business, the main responsibility of the business historically been to make money and increase shareholder value. To put in simple words corporate finance responsibility has been the main objective of the businesses.
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