Business 412
September 21, 2014 Company name Nintendo WII
Industry: Video Components and games
Company website: (
Company Background:
Nintendo was a small Japanese business founded by Fusajiro Yamauchi on September 23,
1889 known as Nintendo Koppai in Kyoto Japan. They produced and marketed Hanafuda cards. The name Nintendo meaning “luck In Heaven. Hanafuda was a handmade card and was successful. ( In 1959 Nintendo stuck a deal with Disney to allow Nintendo to use the Disney characters in the playing cards. In 1963 Nintendo Playing Cards Company was renamed to Nintendo Company. During this time in the mid 2006 Nintendo introduces the Wii console. The retail price for the console was going for $249.99 the cost was picking up on the other cost of the last console that they was losing out one because the sales was increasing rapidly.(
Swot Analysis: Strength in 2007 Nintendo has four main strength a strong brand name, high returns, high employee efficiency and debt free status. Nintendo has been affordable and very successful in investing sources and profitable companies and idea.
Weakness: is that the Nintendo is the joysticks legibility, limited selection of software, weak graphic on cards. Some of the cards now will have to have a special HD to play certain games.
Opportunities: Players of all ages regardless of class, culture, and income with the gaming industry has more than the movie industries. With the gaming online more than homes will have a broadband internet so they are ready to buy and play the Nintendo products.
Threats: Some of the threats with Nintendo is the price drops from the competition , Wii appalls fade, and Microsoft an Sony aboard Wii had home endearment experience with Microsoft and Sony PS3 and the Kindle connect and Xbox. (
Strength: strong brand name, high returns, high employee efficiency and debt