Many women experience acne during pregnancy. It’s most common during the first and second trimesters.
Fortunately, pregnancy and postpartum acne is usually temporary. It will likely clear up once your hormones return to normal. Treat pregnancy acne with the right skincare routine and try these all-natural remedies.
Why does it occur?
An increase in hormones called androgens can cause the glands in your skin to grow and produce more sebum, an oily, waxy substance. This oil can clog pores and lead to bacteria, inflammation, and breakouts. Women who are prone to breakouts during their menstrual periods have a greater likelihood of pregnancy acne.
Is it common?
Acne during pregnancy is hormonal, …show more content…
Pregnancy can trigger acne or make existing adult acne worse. (On the other hand, some women with acne-prone skin report a decrease in breakouts during pregnancy, so you never know.)
Higher levels of hormones called androgens are at least partly responsible for pregnancy breakouts because they can prompt the sebaceous glands in your skin to get bigger and boost production of an oily substance called …show more content…
It’s also soothing to the skin and very easily absorbed. Apply virgin coconut oil instead of a moisturizer before going to sleep.
6. Oatmeal and Cucumber
Cucumber and oatmeal offer soothing and cooling properties for the skin. For a homemade treatment, try this mask from Back to Her Roots. It uses all-natural ingredients commonly found in the kitchen. Simply blend, put in the freezer, and apply to your face for 10 to 15 minutes.
How to prevent acne?
Caring for your skin during pregnancy doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some best practices to help your skin stay beautiful, glowing, and free of acne.
• Don’t pop, pick, scratch, or squeeze acne sores. This can increase irritation and cause scarring.
• Keep your skin hydrated by drinking purified water. Avoid carbonated beverages and too much caffeine.
• Eat a nutritious diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean sources of protein, and healthy fats like avocado and nuts. Avoid refined sugars and processed foods.
• Rest as much as possible. Stress and fatigue can trigger acne outbreaks.
• Change your pillowcases and towels often.
• Avoid touching your face, which can introduce bacteria.
• Wash your hair regularly, particularly if it’s oily, and try to keep it off your