“Change is the only constant”, is one of the oldest and most popular proverb for all the right reasons. And it stands absolutely true during a certain phase in a woman’s life, pregnancy. This phase’s driving motive in fact is, change. It starts with your decision to start a family and is then followed by a series of events that urge you to remodel your life. To begin with, there are certain alterations to your personality, you feel more responsible, you are more cautious of what you eat, the priorities in your life change course, your schedule changes, there is a drastic alteration in your sleep pattern and your definition of freedom transforms in every context. With so many prevalent modifications taking place …show more content…
And to be completely truthful, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Some of the other common issues you might often hear a woman complain about would be; morning sickness, nausea, sore breasts, tender joints… and the list is endless. Pregnancy is a roller coaster of emotional and physical highs and lows. And women have been vocal about all concerns associated with it. Some latent issues have been kept on the back burner, but in fact do influence all women on some level. They find themselves pink with embarrassment every time they talk about these pregnancy problems. Some of the most common are; Feeling bloated due to water retention and gassy, some have extremely itchy nipples due to stretching and dryness, hemorrhoids, adult acne and breakouts, lower sex drive and stretch marks.
While others might think of how stretch marks could be an issue so large, that it becomes a cause of embarrassment. Women around the globe understand. In India, draping a saree and walking out of your house is a sign of elegance and grace, it enhances the look of any woman who adorns it. But stretch marks during pregnancy makes it hard for a woman to wear a saree and own it. You have to constantly remind yourself to keep the stretch marks concealed. Same is the case with short …show more content…
Truth being said, it isn’t! You might find bottled creams claiming to prevent the development of these marks, or eradicate them altogether. But don’t fall for such false advertising. There hasn’t been any ointment or lotion that could stop your skin from expanding, then ultimately result to stop the marks from occurring. But there is a way in which you could slow down the whole process and prevent your skin from developing severe scars, at the most. So the first advice would be to keep yourself well hydrated. Drink at least eight to nine glasses of water. Drink fresh fruit juices and smoothies. The other popular tip would be to keep your skin moisturized. Stick to your most trusted brands of moisturizer which will leave your skin feeling rich, hydrated and