Unit 7 Project
Supervisory Practices in Criminal Justice
March 29, 2012
Unit 7 Project 2
I must say that this is the best Case Study that I’ve had throughout this entire course.
I do consider Sgt. Williams a good officer but I think that his judgment should have been much better in the beginning to avoid this situation. Sgt. Williams did admit that FTO Tibbetts was a very handsome young man with the reputation of a “womanizer”, and Officer Roberts was a single, young attractive female. I think that Sgt. Williams should have made the decision that he felt was best because he had a small …show more content…
FTO Tibbetts was considered the best FTO on the force but I do believe that there could’ve been another FTO in the department that she could’ve been placed with.
I don’t think that Sgt. Williams made the best decision for the force. I think by the decision that he made, he practically ruined two lives. Officer Roberts life is ruined because she had a sexual relationship with a married police officer and now she’s pregnant by him and she stated that she became pregnant while on duty. Her career will never be the same because she broke the law as a sworn police officer. FTO Tibbetts live will be the most affected because he has a very good reputation on the force and people considered him very good at his job and now he will be at risk of ruining that. He has a wife and children and a very good career that’s at stake because he had sexual affair with a co-worker on the job. This will also look very bad for the department because the question will arise as to why didn’t the first-line supervisors see what was going on before it gotten to this point.
Unit 7 Project …show more content…
The entire will not fall on Sgt. Williams because the Officer Roberts and FTO Tibbetts are two consensual adults that understood their jobs and knew there were boundaries. They supposed to uphold the law and do their jobs and not let anything risk it. I think that Officer Roberts is just trying to turn herself into the victim when she tries to blame Sgt. Williams for all that has occurred. Sgt. Williams was really looking out for her well being because he considered her a good officer so that’s why he placed her with FTO Tibbetts because he would train her the best. Sgt. Williams thought that Officer Roberts had a strong head on her shoulders and she would overcome all obstacles that may have come before her.
I think for future references, there should be a very firm, strict policy about fraternization in the workplace. I think that sexual relationships in the workplace is a very big problem and there has to be measures taken to prevent things such as this. There should be constant memos posted to remind employees of the no tolerance for this type of activity in the workplace. It should be very serious that there should be consequences like termination when things like