Case: Air Travel in the UAE
Location: United Arab Emirates
Scale: International
Time: Current
Sketch Map/ Diagram: UAE international airports
In the box above draw a sketch map (in pencil and colors) locating the case study area with a main line of latitude and longitude. Include also scale, compass direction and surrounding settlements/bodies of water (whatever is relevant in terms of location).
Facts/ Figures ( STEEP- LIST)
The UAE (United Arab Emirates) only has a population of about 8 million, but it has four international airports (Abu Dhabi, Dubia, Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah) and at least five airlines (Emirates, Etihad, Air Arabia, Fly Dubai and RAK Airways). For its population size, this a lot of airports and airlines,
The UAE has a large migrant population, so many people need to fly in and out of the UAE
The UAE is warm all year around and has become a popular tourist destination.
The UAE is conveniently located between Europe and Asia
Loss of culture? (more migrants and tourists)
Increased cultural diversity
Technological advances, in airport facilities ( ex: direct metro link to the airport)
Carbon emissions contributing to greenhouse effect
Air, noise and visual pollution for people living near airports
Accidents are normally fatal - often killing all passengers on board
Risk of terrorism e.g. hijacking leading to 9/11 atrocities
Increasing cost of oil and causing it to run out quicker
Environmental damage caused by building airports
The UAE has a lot of money to invest in airlines and airports
The UAE has a cheap supply of oil
The UAE will be able to attract major, business, sporting and cultural events e.g. tennis, golf, concerts
An increased amount transit passengers who will probably have to pay a tax and spend money in the airport.
Becoming a global center of business. Dubai and Abu Dhabi will also become more