Consumers worldwide are usually looking for the best value for money promotions, so what about bundling 2 big brands in one package, great offer, isn’t it ? Imagine a return plane ticket allowing the passenger to travel on both “Etihad Airways” and “Emirates Airline”, flying on two different luxurious airlines with the cost of one ticket, experiencing two world class airports in one trip, and having the chance to enjoy both cities in one vacation or business trip.
The key recommendation here is to introduce a joint plane ticket between Etihad Airways and Emirates Airline, which for example allows Dubai visitors to spend more nights in Abu Dhabi instead of a one day visit.
Another great opportunity is available for UAE to explore and exploit, but this time it is a future one, which is the Football World Cup that will be hosted in Qatar in the year 2022. This competition is usually hosted in big countries, as it is held in 8-12 different cities, and accommodating the teams and fans of 32 countries. Considering the small area of Qatar, and the huge number of expected visitors (expected to be it wouldn’t be comfortable for all teams, visitors, and fans to live in the crowded cities and hotels of Qatar, so UAE can offer packages for the teams and fans of some countries (especially those expected to go further in the tournament) to spend some, or all their staying nights in UAE, and part of this package would be charter flights to Qatar on the day of their matches. This is of course if the efforts to host part of the tournament itself were not successful.