Cash for grades; does it really make a difference if one earns it for the good of their education or the good of their savings? Giving out cash for grades is a time old controversy. Some argue that it is a nice incentive for students to receive good grades. Others say it just takes away from the glory of receiving a good grade just because it’s a reward within itself. From yes’ to no’s can one honestly prove that giving cash for grades gets a person anywhere in life. What happens with the cash stops flowing? Sure, the idea of earning money for a grade sound fantastic, but what does it really do for a person. When students earn cash for their good grades, many quickly lose interest in the subject they earned the money for. Once the deed is done there is no longer a need to retain the information. This is an easy way to set your student up for a roller coaster ride of grades. A child performs well in class, earns the good grade and is paid cash for a job well done, this is when a student stops performing at a top-notch level. After this happens a grade is dropped to a point where a cash reward is no longer in the picture. That is when a student starts working harder in class. Consequently leaving them with the idea that the only reason to earn a good grade is to earn cash. Thus, never instilling the idea that a good grade is a reward within itself. After this crazy ride of good grades, bad grades, it’s time for a student to go off to college. This is when they get hit hard with class work and assignments, but there is no incentive to do well. What happens to students’ grades when this is realized? Will they still have the integrity to earn a good grade because it’ necessary? College is real life. In real life one doesn’t always get paid to do well. Most people have to work hard just to earn their base salary, without even the slightest notion of receiving a promotion. Being successful starts with earning good grades for the good of your
Cash for grades; does it really make a difference if one earns it for the good of their education or the good of their savings? Giving out cash for grades is a time old controversy. Some argue that it is a nice incentive for students to receive good grades. Others say it just takes away from the glory of receiving a good grade just because it’s a reward within itself. From yes’ to no’s can one honestly prove that giving cash for grades gets a person anywhere in life. What happens with the cash stops flowing? Sure, the idea of earning money for a grade sound fantastic, but what does it really do for a person. When students earn cash for their good grades, many quickly lose interest in the subject they earned the money for. Once the deed is done there is no longer a need to retain the information. This is an easy way to set your student up for a roller coaster ride of grades. A child performs well in class, earns the good grade and is paid cash for a job well done, this is when a student stops performing at a top-notch level. After this happens a grade is dropped to a point where a cash reward is no longer in the picture. That is when a student starts working harder in class. Consequently leaving them with the idea that the only reason to earn a good grade is to earn cash. Thus, never instilling the idea that a good grade is a reward within itself. After this crazy ride of good grades, bad grades, it’s time for a student to go off to college. This is when they get hit hard with class work and assignments, but there is no incentive to do well. What happens to students’ grades when this is realized? Will they still have the integrity to earn a good grade because it’ necessary? College is real life. In real life one doesn’t always get paid to do well. Most people have to work hard just to earn their base salary, without even the slightest notion of receiving a promotion. Being successful starts with earning good grades for the good of your