The short story, “The Cask of Amontillado” written by Edgar Allen Poe is about a psychotic man named Montresor who seeks revenge against Fortunato, a man who allegedly committed malice towards him. Poe utilizes verbal irony to establish the story’s events and to create a humorous yet subtle way to show the misfortunes of Fortunato which eventually leads up to his death. For example, “Enough, he said; the cough is a mere nothing; it will not kill me. I shall not die of a cough” (Poe 241). Fortunato is correct because the cough does not kill him, however his death occurs later in the story because of a totally different reason. This conversation contributes to the story’s mood by adding a bit of humor since readers already know from the beginning…
Irony, in literature can be anything from sarcasm to a shocking plot twist that can be inconvenient to the characters toward the end. A type of irony is situational which is where something very unexpected shows up at the last minute making the outcome of the story completely different then you expected. Such as the one in Lord of the Flies that effects one special character named Simon, and really almost all the characters.…
Secondly, situational irony is a discrepancy, or difference between what's expected and what really happens. One such example of this type of irony occurs for the accused; The punishment of "witches". Do they die because they truthfully say they aren't witches or live with the lie that they are? Goody Proctor was a genuine person, and yet died with the truth that she was innocent of witchcraft. What is more important, morals, or your own life? You're the judge of the case.…
The short story, “The Cask of Amontillado,” is weighted down with a great amount of irony. Edgar Allen Poe uses multiple types of irony throughout the story, “The Cask of Amontillado.” Irony can be seen in multiple form such dramatic, situational and verbal irony all through this story. Poe uses these types of irony in order to build anticipation and suspense during the story. He also uses these types of irony in order to build a sense of humor within the horror. Irony is a very influential characteristics Poe uses to help the reader to stay entertained throughout this short story. Situational irony is one of the major types of irony Poe uses.…
In “The Cask of Amontillado”, Edgar Allan Poe uses irony to develop the central idea of revenge. He uses irony in naming the character of Fortunato. Fortunato’s name means “fortune”. He is a man of wealth who is being blindly led to his death by Montresor in search of justifiable revenge. Poe also uses irony in the dialogue, “My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met. How remarkably well you are looking today”. Montresor is pleased to see him. Although Fortunato looks good now, he will be dead by the end of the story when Montresor puts his plan into action. Later, Montresor is concerned about his coughing. Montresor said, “We will go back. Your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved..”. Montresor tells him to go back because…
Irony is when there is a situation that is strange because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected. A good example of the word ironic was when New England was settled. Two good examples of the irony during the settlement of New England were the religious and political repressions.…
The first, and arguably the most abundant, use of irony in “The Cask of Amontillado” is verbal irony. Verbal irony is when a character says one thing but means another, or uses words to convey a meaning that is opposite of their literal meaning. When Montresor first greets Fortunado in the streets of the Carnival festival, he says, “My dear Fortunado, you are luckily met.” (5) In…
The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre.” “Let us go, nevertheless. The cold is merely nothing. Amontillado! You have been imposed upon. And as for Luchesi, he cannot distinguish Sherry from Amontillado”. (Meyer,741).Montresor knows that Fortunato is a very arrogant man. What is so ironic about this conversation is that Montresor seems to care about Fortunato’s health and yet he wants to murder him. Another example; of irony would be when Montresor tells all of servants to stay home for the night. The last example of irony , would be that they are set in the middle of the Catacombs and how Fortunato asks Montresor if he is in the Masons. ““You do not…
The short stories “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allen Poe and “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne use verbal irony to elaborate the text. Both short stories explain the verbal type of irony. Verbal irony is a situation in which a character says the opposite of what he or she means. Verbal irony is not always shown in the text directly. The reader most of the time has to continue reading until the end of the passage, to actually see if it was verbal irony instead of a different type of irony.…
Another type of irony that authors use is dramatic irony. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows more than the characters. The first example of dramatic irony…
Dramatic irony- the reader knows something the character doesn’t know Unexpected irony- something happens differently than what is expected Verbal irony- the character says the opposite of what he means…
There are various examples in which the dramatic irony is explicit. The King has high expectations of the deeds that Macbeth is going to fulfill. He trusts Macbeth and he has just been assigned to be Thane of Cawdor. “He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust”. The King is referring to the former Thane of Cawdor who betrayed him, he’s committing the same mistake twice, but he seems to be too naïve, not considering the fact that maybe Macbeth can betray him too. Macbeth is not planning on doing so yet, but he is being tempted to. The…
Throughout the story, Poe uses countless examples of irony to intensify the unsettling mood that he creates. In the beginning of the story, Fortunato encounters Montresor around dusk at a carnival party. Montresor says to him, “‘My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met. How remarkably well you are looking to-day!’” (374). The irony of this statement is that Montresor later goes on to kill Fortunato. He says those eerie words to Fortunato knowing that he will not show a glimpse of health in a mere few hours. An additional…
There are always instances where one thinks that one outcome is going to happen and then something else completely different happens. Edgar Allan Poe has had a lot of issues throughout his life. His father abandoned him and his mother died when he was just a child. Through all of Poe’s struggles he has written many stories. Most in which are particularly morbid and full of irony. In Poe’s story The Cask of Amontillado, he uses three different types of irony to describe Montresor’s utter most vex towards his friend Fortunato. The types of irony Poe uses are verbal irony, situational irony, and dramatic irony.…
Fate is full of irony, what you dish out will come back to you. This slogan has never rung truer than in the ironic tale of the Cask Of Amontillado. Presumably taking place in the Italian countryside this story follows the protagonist, Montresor, in his quest to reap revenge on the antagonist, Fortunato, for an insult in the past. Ultimately culminating in Fortunato being buried alive this story is a textbook example of revenge. Edgar Allen Poe’s dark tale revolves around themes of betrayal, pride, and revenge that allow the reader to assume Fortunato's death before he does. The Cask of Amontillado uses irony and symbolism in the setting, characters, and speech to obscure Fortunato’s fate.…