What do you think were the effects of the shadow they cast? Casting shadows focuses on leaders who project shadows of their inner darkness. A person who this student has observed casting shadows in their behavior is a previous general manager. In the beginning, the manager worked well with employees in order to develop relationships, and his general interest was bringing employees together in order to attain company related goals. Overtime, the manager began to be more distant from employees in a way that seemed as if he were more superior to every person in the company, and at the same time became very controlling over employee actions and outcomes. It was the manager’s belief that he held the ultimate power over the company and made sure every person knew he was in command.
Furthermore, it was at that point, that the manager was no longer focused on developing relationship with employees, but rather destroying the relationships through actions. For example, the manager felt that if employees did not produce good results then it would reflect badly upon himself. So, the manager made employees lives miserable by threatening termination, or he would write someone up for not doing things that he wanted.
This student believes that the manager is most associated with functional atheism. According to , “functional atheism is a leader’s belief that she or he has the ultimate responsibility for everything that happens in a group or organization.” The effects of the shadow caster were to break up relationships and bring high stress to the group. The manager brought high stress by threatening to loss of people’s jobs and destroying the relationships of a leader and