Mariamma Thazhavana
American Sentinel University
Appropriate Nursing Management in a Hospital Unit The purpose of this paper is to judge the power used by the nurse manager in the given scenario, evaluate the detrimental behaviors identified in the case and the consequences of strong negative leadership, value behaviors that contribute to optimal team functioning, formulate action plan for the manager, and to measure the observations that should be used to monitor her performances. The expectation set up on a nurse manager is to coordinate levels of employees and facilitate services for patients. She is to direct the workforce and available resources within the existing structure to accomplish the mission of the organization (Grohar- Murray&Langan, 2011). In the given case, the nurse manager deviates from this goal by misleading the team.
The Power Used by Mrs. Jackson in Her Unit
This scenario demonstrates the poor managing methods of the nurse manager, Mrs. Jackson; she takes advantage of her authority which she could have used in a constructive way for the benefits of the organization she works for, for the benefits of the employees she works with, and for the benefits of the patients who depend on her care. She deviated from the goals and created a negative and hostile atmosphere in her unit. Her negativity flawed the amicable working atmosphere of the unit. This type of management would never succeed; the organization would never prosper. Peter F. Ducker, who is known as the creator and inventor of modern management, states that the “workers should be treated as assets, not as liabilities to be eliminated,” (Grohar- Murray&Langan, 2011, p. 141). Mrs. Jackson used coercive power in her unit, using fear to guarantee obedience from subordinates (Grohar- Murray&Langan, 2011). She threatens the staff with her superior power by publicly degrading and demeaning them with the expectation
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