There are several types of leaders in the healthcare industry and informal leaders are becoming a more valuable asset in the management hierarchy than ever before. Informal leaders in nursing do not have authority or formal titles but function as advocates for the organization and enhance contributions of themselves as well as their peers through knowledge, influence, expertise and relationship building (Smart, 2010). These informal leaders have proven to play a significant role in meeting the challenges in healthcare today.
Leadership Strategies
Nurses can exhibit leadership qualities and assume an informal leadership role in numerous ways. While there are several strategies that enable informal nurse leaders to exert leadership even though they are not in a formal leadership role, the author will only concentrate on two. The first strategy exhibited is when a nurse assumes a leadership stance and becomes a change agent. The demand on nurses today is much greater than it has ever been due to staffing constraints, complexity of patient care and governmental requirements imposed in healthcare organizations. Informal leaders recognize real situations and begin looking for solutions to the problems that arise. Often staff members become frustrated and angry when encountering problems but the informal leader takes a stance to evaluate the situation and look for resolution instead of joining in with the complaints and negativity of the staff. This leader can then help the complaining staff redirect this negative energy towards a positive solution and empower the staff to be part of the solution instead of the problem.
The second strategy that is important for nurse leaders is the ability to create an environment of care. Nurses have a responsibility to care for their patients and families but the nurse leader also must care for the staff members. There is a direct correlation between staff members that feel valued and cared about and the
References: Hughes, R. (2008). Nurses atthe sharp end of patient care. Retrieved from Informal leader. (n.d.). Retrieved from McNeese-Smith, D. K. (1997, September). The influence of manager behavior on nurses’ job satisfaction, productivity, and commitment. Journal of Nursing Administration, 27(9), 47-55. Retrieved from Smart, M. (2010). The hidden power of informal leadership: what you need to know to identify your hidden leaders, build trust, inspire action and get results. Longwood, FL: Xulon Press.