7. Catalase: This experiment tested for the presence of the enzyme Catalase, and determine the morphology of the unknown bacteria. The bacteria were streaked on a plate of nutrient agar and incubated at 37-degree Celsius. After incubation, several drops of hydrogen peroxide were added to the colony. The formation of gas bubbles is a positive test for catalase.
A negative test resulted in no gas bubbles.
8. Gram Stain: A gram stain test was used to determine the morphology classification of the unknown bacteria. Bacteria from the broth was added to a glass strip. Crystal violate was dropped on the strip as the primary stain. Then the bacteria were dyed with grams iodine as the mordant. Ethanol acetone was used as a decolorizer to take out crystal violet on gram positive bacteria. Safranin was used to counterstain for gram positive bacteria. The bacteria were then placed under a lens to determine the morphology as coccus, bacillus, or spiral.