catalase positive strains (Ali et al., 2014).
3.7.3 Endospore test
The endospore test allows us to test the bacteria that have the endospore.
The primary dye malachite green is a weakly binding dye to the spore wall and cell wall. The dye will be locked in the spore wall, which has peptidoglycan deeper in the walls. The keratin forming the outer portion of the endospore wall resists dye. The heating of the bacteria will make the spore wall more permeable to the malachite green, and it then attaches to the peptidoglycan. Thus, we can detect the bacteria that have the endospore based on this test. On a clean glass slide a drop of distilled water will be added to the slide. A smear will be prepared on this droplet by using fresh culture of bacteria and then will be air dried and heat fixed. The smear will be flooded with malachite green (0.5% aqueous solution). The slide will be heated so that malachite green will be steamed for 5 min but will not allow evaporating. More malachite will be added by heating the slide over again. Then the slide will be cooled and will be washed under running water. Then, the smear will be flooded with counter stain safranine for 30 second. Then the slide will be washed with distilled water to remove extra stain. The slide will be examined under microscope spores will appear green inside the bacteria while absence of green colour will show non-endospore forming bacteria (Ali et al., …show more content…
3.7.4 Indole test
This test is to differentiate among the gram negative bacilli in the family Enterobacteriaceae. The solution turns from yellow to cherry red, when indole is combined with Kovac’s. This is because amyl alcohol is not water soluble the red coloration will form in an oily layer at the top of the broth. Test tubes will be take and about 1.0 mL aliquot of the Indole broth will dispense in it. It then will be autoclaved and will be allowed to cool. The tubes will be lightly inoculated with a fresh pure culture of 18 to 24 hours. These tubes will be incubated at 35˚C to 37˚C for 24 to 48 hours. Then, 10 to 12 drops of kovac, s reagent will be added to the broth, and then it was stir substantially. Results will be observed within 3 to 5 minutes. Development of red to pink color will show positive result, while no color change will show negative result (Ali et al., 2014).
3.7.5 Motility tests
Motility test agar is used to differentiate the microorganisms based on the basis of motility.
Test tubes will be poured with about 5.0 ml of the sulfide indole motility medium (SIM) and then it will be autoclaved. The inoculating needle will be flamed and cooled, and it will be inserted into the culture after flaming the neck of the tube. The cap from the tube of the SIM medium will be removed, the neck will be flamed, and it will be stabbed with 2⁄3 way down to the bottom. The neck of the tube will be flamed again before the cap will be returning to the tube. The tubes will be incubated at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours.The SIM cultures will be examined for the presence or absence of a black precipitate along the line of the stab inoculation. The black precipitate of FeS indicates the presence of H2S. (Ali et al.,