Independent Variable: Temperature (⁰C) of the catalase and H2O2 Both of the solutions will be poured into test tubes/beakers and then cooled and heated to certain temperatures (10, 22, 30, 37, 45, and 60⁰C) and with the use of ice and a water bath ( in a separate beaker) I attempted to control the temperature of the catalase mixture as well as the H2O2 solution
Dependent Variable: Rate of reaction (cm3/second) The gas syringe (± 0.5) is used to measure the amount of oxygen produced from the catalase reaction. A rubber stopper is used to ensure that there is a closed system and no O2 escapes
Controlled Variables: Substrate ( H2O2 ) Concentration and Quantity The same pipette will be used to measure …show more content…
the amount of H2O2 added. Hence, all trials will use exactly 3 cm3 of the same H2O2 solution Amount of Enzyme (catalase) Each of the trials will use 4 cm3 of the same catalase solution and will use the same pipette (± 0.3) to measure the specified volume Time (minutes) Each of the trials will collect data for 10.0 seconds after the H2O2 has been ‘injected’ into the catalase solution.
A timer will be used to ensure that the recording does not go beyond 10.0 seconds. The rate of the reaction will be recorded every 5 seconds using a timer(± …show more content…
0.005) Temperature during each trial (⁰C) For the 10.0 seconds that the catalase reaction will be recorded, I will attempt to maintain the temperature constant. The trials will take place either inside a beaker with ice, room temperature water, or heated water. A thermometer will be placed inside each of the beakers to ensure that the temperature remains the same and does not fluctuate during data collection Size/Volume of Test Tubes, beakers, syringe and needle
- 150 ml beaker
- 250 ml beaker
- Test tube with and without side arm
- 10 ml syringe All test tubes and beakers in the experiment will have the same diameter, length and size in order to maintain constant volume.
The same syringe and needle will be used for all trials to ensure consistency of measurements pH = 7 The catalase solution used for the trials is from the same original catalase blended mixture. I attempted to keep the pH of the catalase mixture at 7 by using a buffer solution. I did this in order to control the pH level and ensure that it did not vary during the experiment. Type of Liver (source of catalase) One lamb liver will be used for all the catalase solutions.
Moreover, the liver will be kept in the fridge when not in use so that the enzyme does not denature due to the temperature shifts. Amount of time that the catalase mixture was blended The catalase mixture was blended for approximately 4 minutes and 50 seconds. This was ensured using a timer (± 0.005).
This time seemed the most appropriate because the mixture looked smooth and seemed to not have that many chunky pieces
Table 1- Independent, Dependent and Controlled Variables
Apparatus/ Materials:
(1) Lamb Liver (approximately 500 grams)
(1) 100.0 ml Gas syringe (±
(1) Ruler Approximately 20ml of sand
(1) Test tube with side arm
(12) Test tubes without side arm
(6) 150 ml Beaker
(1) 250 ml Beaker
The focus of the experimental work was to measure how the oxygen production of the reaction changed over a range of temperatures. The time it took in order to find a suitable procedure was longer than originally anticipated since it was difficult to determine what concentration of hydrogen peroxide needed to be added to the catalase solution in order to react to produce enough oxygen to move the gas syringe. In the end, the below procedure proved to be the most appropriate and was the one that yielded the most precise results. This final procedure used 4 cm3 of catalase solution mixed with 3 cm3 of hydrogen peroxide.
Safety Precautions:
• Wear an apron, have long hair tied back and no opened toed shoes
• Make sure to have the lid sealed tightly when blending the catalase mixture
• Wear eye protection and gloves
• DO NOT taste the raw liver or any other products that you will be using
• Make sure to clean the area after you are done (use rubbing alcohol to disinfect the counter tops)
• Any used liver should be wrapped and placed in the dustbin
Preparation of Catalase Solution: