Title: The Effect of Adjusted Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide on the change in reaction rate of liver catalase.
Null Hypothesis: If the concentration of the Hydrogen Peroxide is changed then there would be no change in the reaction rate.
Alternate Hypothesis 1: I there is an increase in concentration in concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide then the reaction rate of the liver catalase will increase.
Alternate Hypothesis 2: If there is an increase in concentration in concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide then the reaction rate of the liver catalase will decrease.
IV: concentration of hydrogen peroxide
DV: reaction rate of liver catalase
Constants: Temperature- temperature of the room/solutions
Area- the place where the experiment took place is the same
Materials List:
liver solution hydrogen peroxide 25% diluted hydrogen peroxide 50% diluted hydrogen peroxide 100% diluted distilled water
(2) graduated cylinders 10 mL
(4) 250 Beaker
(1) stopwatch
(1) 250 mL flask
(1) tubing
(1) Shallow pan for water bath
(1) glass dropper tube
(1) stopper
(1) glass tube with opening at the bottom
1. Fill a shallow pan 3/4th full of water and place the glass tube into the water and make sure that the tube is covered with water and has no air bubbles.
2. Obtain 10 mL hydrogen peroxide and dilute it by adding 30 mL of distilled water. Place solution in a beaker and label as “25% Hydrogen Peroxide.”
3. Obtain 20 mL hydrogen peroxide and dilute it by adding 20 mL of distilled water. Place solution in a beaker and label as “1.5% Hydrogen Peroxide.”
4. Obtain 40 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide, place solution in a beaker and label as “ 3 % Hydrogen Peroxide.”50
5. Obtain 100 mL of liver solution, place solution in a beaker and label as “liver solution”.
6. Measure 10 mL of hydrogen peroxide. (diluted with water by 25, 75, 50 percent)
7. In the other graduated cylinder measure 10 mL of the liver solution.
8. Put the