I conveniently already had a …show more content…
This was possibly one of the hardest things I had to do in my project. Getting started. I think I came up with about seven different stories before I actually greenlit one. In the beginning I made the horrible mistake of trying to satisfy the people before satisfying myself. I believe you have to make a story for you before you make it for your audience. During my process in the beginning I was spending a lot of time figuring out how I can make my children’s book more for kids. That one problem suddenly became the only thing I was focusing on. When brainstorming ideas, I would create great stories that could be for kids but I didn’t like them myself. It was always: “well the kids would like this”. One day while in utter frustration, I just stopped everything and asked myself a big question: “What story do you want to tell?”. In order for people to like your story, you yourself have to love it first, you can’t make a story you don’t care for, or other people won’t care for it either. It definitely shows through your work whether you're enjoying yourself or